
daniel 2024-06-22


1、From which track does the train for Boston leave?


3、From which platform does the train start?

4、Two first class tickets on express at ten,please、

5、What's the next station?

6、This train stops at A,doesn't it?

7、What station is this?It's B station、

8、Can you pick me up from Fulton street instead? 可以请你们改在富尔顿大街接我吗?

9、Would you like to call a taxi?你想要叫辆出租车吗?

10、You must change train at C、

11、Can I have your address?你能告诉我地址吗?

12、Porter!Please take my suitcase to the train、

13、How long does it take to the station?到车站要多长时间?

14、Can you tell me when is the next train for A?

15、Is this the train for Rome?

16、Where can I find the conductor?

17、What train do you take?

18、My address is Fifth Avenue、我在第五大道。

19、Where and when would you like to go?您想去哪,什么时候去?

20、Can you make sure one arrives as soon as possible?你能确保一辆车马上就到吗?

21、Has the train for A left already?No,not yet,but it'll start ten minutes、

22、Is the wicket open yet?

23、Where do I wait for the express to Edinburgh?

24、Please wait a moment, the taxi will e soon、稍等一下,出租车马上就到。


1、A lower berth ticket for the night train at eight o'clock tonight、

2、Excuse me,is this seat vacant?

3、How long will the train stop here?It stops for five mintues、

4、What time does the train for New York leave?

5、I need a taxi to take me to the train station、我需要一辆出租车载我到火车站。

6、How long does this train stop at the next station?

8、I will give you a call just before 9 am、我会在上午9点前给你打电话。

9、I’d like to order a taxi、我想预定一辆出租车。

10、I would like to book a taxi for six o’clock this afternoon、我想预约今天下午6点的出租车。

11、The train will be about ten minutes behind time、

12、Could you send a taxi to airport?你能安排一辆出租车到机场吗?

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