
daniel 2024-06-21


1、Smoking and lighting fires are strictly forbidden at here、


3、Here is our pipe prefabrication workshop (steel structure fabrication shop, machine shop, boiler room, air pressor station, concrete mixing unit)、

4、 Are you the Seller’s Representative on the job site?

5、We can contract to build turn-key plant, undertake single items of projects as a subcontractor or provide labor services、

6、The client is SABIC、

7、Do not touch that paint, it is wet、

9、 土木工程 civil engineering

10、 房屋建筑工程 building engineering

11、The contract number of this project is EPC-LS-ORYANSAB-010-IK、

12、 铁路工程 railway engineering

13、 港口与航道工程 port ( harbour ) and waterway engineering

14、 公路工程 highway engineering

15、Danger! Look out! Get out of the way、

16、I am sorry, do not touch this, please、

17、Look at the sign, danger keep out、

18、I am the Buyer’s General Representative、(GR)

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