
daniel 2024-03-30



2、TheDallasMavericks: The name of the Dallas team also reflects Texas cowboy past、A maverick is a rebellious person who refuses to obey social norms、The word is derived from the name of Samuel Maverick (1803-1870), a Texas rancher who refused to brand his cattle.


4、TheMinnesotaTimberwolves: Minnesota, like Memphis, takes its team name from wildlife, but the Timberwolves name actually makes sense、Minnesota, which is located on the border with Canada, contains large expanses of forested wilderness where timberwolves make their home.




8、达拉斯小牛队达拉斯(位于得州)的队名也反映出得州的牛仔历史。maverick是指拒绝遵守社会规范的反叛之人,该词来源于一个叫Samuel Maverick的人的姓。他是得州的一个牧场主,拒绝按照通则给他的牛打烙印。(中国将达拉斯队的名字译成小牛队有悖原意,译为特立独行者队则更为准确,虽说maverick也可代表没打烙印的离群之牛。)

9、ThePortlandTrailblazers: During the 1800s, the United States expanded westward to the Pacific、As the pioneers traveled west, they blazed trails for others to follow、One of the most famous of these trails was the Oregon Trail, which led from the state of Missouri in the center of the country to the state of Oregon in its northwestern corner、Today Portland is the largest city in the state of Oregon、The name of its NBA team honors the pioneers who traveled on the Oregon Trail.



12、TheMemphisGrizzlies: Giant grizzly bears range the Rocky Mountains in the US and Canada、They do not live anywhere near the city of Memphis, which is on the Mississippi、Then why the name Grizzlies? The reason is that the Grizzlies were originally based in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Canadas Pacific coast, where grizzly bears do live.

13、Two weeks ago, I discussed the meaning of the team names in the National Basketball Associations Eastern Conference、This week we move on to the Western Conference.


15、TheSeattleSupersonics: As a result of its association with Boeing, Seattle has long been a center of the airplane manufacturing industry、Although Boeing recently moved its corporate headquarters from Seattle to Chicago, it maintains a large manufacturing presence in Washington State、The Boeing 747 and other jetliners are built in Seattle、The name Supersonics honors Seattles contribution to the jet age.

16、ThePhoenixSuns: The natural environment of Phoenix is a torrid desert、For its existence as a big city, Phoenix depends on the air conditioner and imported water、The teams name recognizes Phoenixs hot, sunny climate.


18、The Lakers move from Minneapolis to Los Angeles parallels a general demographic trend in America over the last several decades: the nations South and West have boomed, while the population in the North has grown relatively slowly、In fact, all of Californias NBA teams (the Lakers, the Clippers, the Warriors and the Kings) originally played in Northern cities and then moved to California.





23、TheLosAngelesLakers: A look at a map of the Los Angeles area shows that there are virtually no lakes in the metropolitan area、Why then the name Lakers? The name only makes sense if you know where the team was originally located -- Minneapolis, Minnesota、Minnesota is known as the Land of 10,000 Lakes thanks to the abundance of small lakes within its boundaries、Minnesota is also on the worlds largest freshwater lake, Lake Superior.

24、TheLosAngelesClippers: During the mid-1800s, fast sailing ships known as clippers transported goods and passengers across the oceans、Before the building of transcontinental railroads, California too relied on such ships for much of its trade、The clipper ship era ended with the advent of steamships, but their memory lives on in the name of one of Los Angeles two NBA teams、The Clippers first acquired the name when they played in the oceanside city of San Diego、The team later moved up the coast a bit to LA, but kept the name.



1、TheUtahJazz: Jazz is a uniquely American musical style invented by African-Americans in the South、Utah is a deeply conservative Rocky Mountain state with few African-Americans and no connection to jazz music、The reason for the name? The team started in New Orleans, one of the birthplaces of jazz, and subsequently moved to Utah.



4、TheHoustonRockets: The NASA Mission Control Center is located in Houston; hence the name Rockets、Ironically, no actual rockets are ever launched into space from Houston -- launches take place at a separate facility in Florida.

5、TheSanAntonioSpurs: The mythology of the cowboy, solitary, tough and self-reliant, has long been an important part of the American national identity, particularly in Texas, where San Antonio is located、While the average Texan today is far more likely to work in an office than on a horse, the cowboy remains an important cultural symbol in Texas、Spurs are sharp metal devices attached to a cowboys boots、By jabbing a horses flanks with the spurs, the cowboy can encourage his mount to run faster、The Spurs team logo includes a picture of a spur.

6、TheDenverNuggets: The city of Denver, Colorado, arose during a gold rush in 1859、Searching for nuggets of gold and silver was important in a Rocky Mountain state where even today mining plays a significant role in the economy.

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    1、花颠酒 2、糖糖果 3、云仙 4、娇如醉 5、山水相逢 6、继续走下去 7、见人心 8、单方面守候 9、╭ゝ野゛魅舞セ╮ 10、天际征

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  12. 个性好听的网名精选91个

    1、4北海以北半度微凉 2、60爱情使你忘记时间 3、5面具下╮那暧昧不清旳尔 4、6づ一萌二拽三霸气べ 5、3爱只可是是一时的 6、3回

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