
daniel 2024-03-20


1、And don’t get me started on the snail kid or that bumblebee、What a couple of freeloaders! They show up at the front door at all hours, completely unannounced, and I’m supposed to feed them like it’s no big deal.


3、But I’m guessing they must argue a lot because she often refuses to travel with him, judging by the number of times he’s alone in the pictures.


5、All he does is take、I spend every clover leaf I have on food and gifts, and place them lovingly in his backpack as he prepares for another one of his vanishing acts and what do I get in return? Zero、Nada、Not so much as a “thank you” or “see you later”.

6、But the one I really don’t trust is a butterfly、That one is a total gold-digger, leading him astray with her fancy wings、He doesn’t see her very often, probably because she’s off with one of her other, richer boys.


8、I recently became a father, and I have a confession to make: I’m not sure I like my son very much.


10、First of all, he was born a teenager, which is a hellish experience for any parent、The sullen silences、The indifference、The disappearing for days on end with not a word of explanation or apology.



13、I hear myself turning into my own father, shouting: “You treat this place like a hotel!” Which is fine if you’re on your own, but in public? Not so much、Especially when you’re yelling it at a phone screen、People on the subway tend to back away …

14、There’s always the possibility that I’m just jealous、My son has a far better social life than I do、Maybe I’m the one with the problem、Because my son doesn’t seem to have a care in the world.

15、I’ve tried to warn him about her, that she’s using him for his clover leafs, but he ignores me, as usual、He just slumps at the table, eating the food I’ve made him or sharpening a pencil that looks suspiciously like a knife, but I try not to think about that.

16、What about your parents, what’s going on with you two? I ask them、But they’re as bad as my son、No answers.


18、And I’m also worried he might have fallen in with a bad crowd、There’s a little mouse chick he hangs around with sometimes、Occasionally, when he can be bothered, he sends me postcards of them together, traipsing around temples or hot springs, on my dime.






24、On the plus side, my son is quite creative、He’s always at his desk, writing、I have no idea what, of course, he never lets me read anything.


26、I’ve asked other parents about this and they report similar incidents of insolence、Apparently there is also a turtle who’s a major culprit but I haven’t met him yet.


  1. 好听的名字网名(1200个)

    1、花颠酒 2、糖糖果 3、云仙 4、娇如醉 5、山水相逢 6、继续走下去 7、见人心 8、单方面守候 9、╭ゝ野゛魅舞セ╮ 10、天际征

    栏目名称:好听的网名 0 2024-03-20

  2. 个性好听的网名精选91个

    1、4北海以北半度微凉 2、60爱情使你忘记时间 3、5面具下╮那暧昧不清旳尔 4、6づ一萌二拽三霸气べ 5、3爱只可是是一时的 6、3回

    栏目名称:好听的网名 0 2024-03-20

  3. 好听的名字网名(1200个)

    1、花颠酒 2、糖糖果 3、云仙 4、娇如醉 5、山水相逢 6、继续走下去 7、见人心 8、单方面守候 9、╭ゝ野゛魅舞セ╮ 10、天际征

    栏目名称:好听的网名 0 2024-03-20

  4. 个性好听的网名精选91个

    1、4北海以北半度微凉 2、60爱情使你忘记时间 3、5面具下╮那暧昧不清旳尔 4、6づ一萌二拽三霸气べ 5、3爱只可是是一时的 6、3回

    栏目名称:好听的网名 0 2024-03-20