
daniel 2024-02-01


在给孩子取名字的时候‚很多父母都希望能选择一个独特而又有意义的英文名字。 下面是我为大家精选的210个英文男生名字‚希望能给你们一些灵感。

Barry: 这个名字源自古英语和盖尔语‚意为公平 、公道。

Devin: 一个简洁而又优雅的名字,意为神祗。

Edgar: 这个名字有着浓郁的文学气息‚意为幸福 、守护者。

Ernest: 一个充满阳刚之气的名字‚意为果断 、勇敢。

Hugo: 这个名字源自日耳曼语,意为心灵 、思想。

这些名字都有着不同的寄义和后台故事。 它们或许可以成为你孩子独特而又与众不同的标志。 当然,在选择孩子的英文名字时‚还要斟酌到发音是否简单易读‚并且发音不拗口。

“Francis”是一个简单易读的名字‚发音不拗口。 它的意思是自由 、勇敢。


Carl: 这个名字源自古日耳曼语‚意为男子汉 、勇士。

Hardy: 这个名字有着坚强和勇敢的寄义。

Matt: 一个简洁而又常见的名字‚意为上帝的礼品。

Gene: 这个名字源自希腊语‚意为高贵 、出身高贵。

Ives: 这个名字发音简单易读‚并且不拗口。 它的意思是生活在农田中的人。

每个孩子都是独一无二的‚他们都应该有一个与众不同且富有意义的英文名字。 希望这些精选的男生英文名字能给你们一些启示和匡助。


This article focuses on 210 selected English names for boys and their meanings、The names are arranged in alphabetical order for easy reference、In this article‚we will explore the origins and meanings of these names, as well as their popularity and cultural significance、

Meanings and Origins

The meanings and origins of names are often tied to cultural and historical contexts、In this section‚we will examine the meanings and origins of 70 selected names for boys、For example‚the name Alexander means "defender of the people" and has Greek origins、The name Caleb means "faithful‚devoted" and has Hebrew origins、The name Ethan means "strong‚firm" and has Hebrew origins as well、Understanding the meanings and origins of names can provide insight into the values and beliefs of different cultures and societies.


The popularity of names can vary over time and across different regions、In this section‚we will explore the popularity of 70 selected names for boys in the United States、For example‚the name Aiden was the most popular name for boys in the United States in 2009 and 2010、The name Liam has been consistently popular in recent years‚ranking as the most popular name for boys in the United States in 2020、The name Mason also gained popularity in the 2010s、Understanding the popularity of names can provide insight into cultural trends and preferences.

Cultural Significance

Names can also have cultural significance‚reflecting the values and traditions of different communities、In this section‚we will examine the cultural significance of 35 selected names for boys、For example‚the name Muhammad is a significant name in Islam‚as it is the name of the prophet and founder of Islam、The name Jose is a significant name in Hispanic culture, as it is a variation of the name Joseph and is associated with Saint Joseph、The name Kwame is a significant name in African culture, as it is associated with the Akan people of Ghana and means "born on a Saturday." Understanding the cultural significance of names can provide insight into the diversity and richness of different cultures.

Uncommon Names

While some names are popular and well-known‚others are more unique and uncommon、In this section, we will explore 20 selected uncommon names for boys and their meanings、For example‚the name Darian means "upholder of good" and has Persian origins、The name Kian means "grace of God" and has Irish origins、The name Zephyr means "west wind" and has Greek origins、Uncommon names can be a way to express individuality and uniqueness.

Modern Names

Names can also reflect contemporary trends and cultural influences、In this section‚we will examine 15 selected modern names for boys and their meanings、For example‚the name Jaxon is a modern variation of the name Jackson and means "son of Jack." The name Kyrie is a modern name that has become popular due to its association with the basketball player Kyrie Irving、The name Maverick is a modern name that has gained popularity due to its association with the popular movie Top Gun、Modern names can reflect the changing values and interests of contemporary society.


In conclusion, names for boys can have a variety of meanings, origins‚popularity‚cultural significance‚and contemporary influences、Understanding the significance of names can provide insight into the diversity and richness of different cultures and societies、Whether choosing a popular name or a unique name‚the selection of a name can be a meaningful and significant decision for parents and families.

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