
daniel 2023-12-30

带英文的游戏名字:像一些大型国际化知名的游戏,玩家起英文游戏名字的比力多。而眼下最知名的游戏也当属王者光荣了‚ 截止2016年岁尾‚ 【王者光荣】就具有了2亿用户群体和跨越5000万的日活用户,短短一年时间,DAU增长了10倍有余。 所以在如斯多的玩家中想要凸起本身游戏名字的特点,并且想要一个在任何游戏中都合用的英文游戏名字‚ 那就来看看我清算的这些带英文的游戏名字吧。


为了凸起本身的英文游戏名字是比力有特点的,良多玩家会选择在英文游戏名字前面加一些前缀‚ 不过不知道怎么加前缀的也能够来看看我清算的带英文的游戏名字加前缀。


(01)‚ Edinburgh°南空

(02)‚ 失夜 Saktama

(03)‚ Kiss Me Girl

(04)‚ xτяéмé°

(05)‚ Former(前度)

(06)‚ 贝多芬的眼睛~oratorio

(07)‚ Love The Way You Lie

(08)‚ Brother灬Team

(09)‚ 忘了爱°Toro

(10)‚ Belief

(11)‚ Lucky ^ω^

(12)‚ Life

(13)‚ Anna 安娜

(14)‚ Dorothy 桃乐斯

(15)‚ Gentleman 名流

(16)‚ GangsTa丶多多

(17)‚ Svenˊ沐猴而冠

(18)‚ 孑遗°dsTiny-

(19)‚ Ronin

(20)‚ Gladys 葛莱蒂丝

(21)‚ slang

(22)‚ b°cnst-贞洁

(23)‚ 余音未散,Filled

(24)‚ Classic 经典

(25)‚ Lonely丶baby

(26)‚ lovely day(夸姣的一天)

(27)‚ Miss刺猬先森 *

(28)‚ 今生的情缘

(29)‚ Evangeline 伊文捷琳

(30)‚ True love

(31)‚ heartbreaker°

(32)‚ Aurora 奥萝拉

(33)‚ Really

(34)‚ Detour 绕道- |

(35)‚ wǒの幸福

(36)‚ Submarine

(37)‚ Eve 伊芙

(38)‚ LoHas丶语嫣

(39)‚ Deadly

(40)‚ School leave 结业生


(41)‚ Silent丶TopTeam

(42)‚ Temptatn ゜夜

(43)‚ Lost 迷失。

(44)‚ south

(45)‚ Tout-An诺粞

(46)‚ 温眸°sunshine

(47)‚ Alexia 亚莉克希亚

(48)‚ babe 宝物

(49)‚ Yoyo丨team丨

(50)‚ 浓情chocolate

(51)‚ 霸控` Roll

(52)‚ Dislike(不喜)

(53)‚ Gabrielle 嘉比里拉

(54)‚ Dawn 潼恩

(55)‚ Autism゛孤傲患者

(56)‚ 秒杀feelゼ

(57)‚ exoplanet°

(58)‚ 断失落的铅子笔 ▍ISNO

(59)‚ Georgia 乔治亚

(60)‚ cherry blossoms 樱

(61)‚ pUssy

(62)‚ Erosion°槿沁

(63)‚ 轮回劫 noslepums

(64)‚ 聆听花落声

(65)‚ Be her

(66)‚ Adventure

(67)‚ Small dimple

(68)‚ 若凌°Provence-

(69)‚ 摇滚Bl○⊙d

(70)‚ 假动作False action


不但仅是女生玩家喜欢英文的游戏名字‚ 良多男生玩家们也喜欢寻求时尚,用太多了中文的英文游戏名字也会想要用一个有特点时尚的英文游戏名字‚ 所以下面就一起来看看吧。


【01】‚ Prostitute ▍是入戏阿三

【02】‚ Unicorn °(独角兽)

【03】‚ hate you love me

【04】‚ sweet talk

【05】‚ 漆黑lucifer

【06】‚ 午后草莓树上的阳光っ

【07】‚ Dame丶sharp

【08】‚ 紫玫瑰rose

【09】‚ RingMyBell

【10】‚ Debby 黛碧

【11】‚ only(唯一)

【12】‚ a good kid

【13】‚ Strong miss

【14】‚ 冷温柔°Triste

【15】‚ Givp up you

【16】‚ Florence 弗罗伦丝

【17】‚ Cynthia

【18】‚ Astrid 艾丝翠得

【19】‚ catastrophe 大难。

【20】‚ Hair band (发带)

【21】‚ Doris 多莉丝

【22】‚ Iron Heart


【24】‚ diamonds

【25】‚ Caster

【26】‚ Carzy‚ 薰╮

【27】‚ teardrop

【28】‚ so long

【29】‚ My Sunshine 我的阳光

【30】‚ Toxic啭身。 丶For

【31】‚ Obsession【逼迫症】

【32】‚ Beryl 百丽儿

【33】‚ Crystal 克莉斯多

【34】‚ peerless 断夏

【35】‚ Amado°(爱)

【36】‚ Smile‚ 梦魇

【37】‚ Erin 艾琳

【38】‚ shineミ苏雨萱


【39】‚ Good/nce

【40】‚ Carnage℡下页

【41】‚ CF_Winner

【42】‚ Lohas

【43】‚ boy你好

【44】‚ Death`【灭亡】

【45】‚ 冷心坡碎dream*

【46】‚ Be Ture

【47】‚ Avecle soleil丶 手捧阳光

【48】‚ Ambition(野心)

【49】‚ ∠oq uetry

【50】‚ Elsa 爱尔莎

【51】‚ Liquor

【52】‚ False 子虚

【53】‚ il&pain△

【54】‚ 昔年°/c

【55】‚ Left Ear

【56】‚ Believe yourself

【57】‚ Large white

【58】‚ Guardianship 相守

【59】‚ Grace 葛瑞丝

【60】‚ Tryst

【61】‚ Joeゞ

【62】‚ Hecate

【63】‚ misspa

【64】‚ Hi‚ 远行者,Let's go


【66】‚ 花黎 Punma

【67】‚ Clean

【68】‚ Cappuccino

【69】‚ Flirtatious〆

【70】‚ Reluctantly 委曲。


下面是我为大家清算分享的中文带英文的游戏名字‚ 一起来看看。


1‚ Cherry 绮莉

2‚ relief

3‚ Absurd [荒诞]

4‚ Eileen 爱琳

5‚ Jasmine

6‚ Betsy 贝琪

7‚ Drama

8‚ Doreen 多琳

9‚ masked bitch

10‚ 印象║ Vicious

11‚ 旧言虐心ˇ Person

12‚ 野性Rude+

13‚ Demon princess(妖妃)

14‚ Happy virus

15‚ Begone

16‚ 玩cool的girl

17‚ Dinah 黛娜

18‚ Robertミ

19‚ 半生毁released

20‚ Lonelypatients(孤傲患者)

21‚ Nne。sEai

22‚ 不想打搅尓的幸福

23‚ 别荡失太早 vlst◢

24‚ Dream

25‚ 後宫‚ migi‚ 歌特式

26‚ Katherine

27‚ Tearful eyes

28‚ foreboding 幽魅

29‚ lonely person

30‚ 存亡相随 |▍lose heart

31‚ Cathy 凯丝

32‚ Began

33‚ The end

34‚ Aegean丶Sea Team

35‚ Forever‚

36‚ 一颗心ˉBroken

37‚ Viewer


38‚ Promise。 承诺

39‚ Love you like I 〆

40‚ William

41‚ 格调Moment゜

42‚ Myth丶恋晨

43‚ Deborah 黛博拉

44‚ heart (揪心)

45‚ Small green

46‚ Very cold 很冷漠

47‚ Laddyゞ高冷女子

48‚ VirtuaL

49‚ aholic (陷溺者)

50‚ 空景Sadnes╰つ

51‚ Cello琴弦之间

52‚ Faith丶尛岚

53‚ 〆゛yo yo

54‚ Mumble

55‚ 经年°reminis

56‚ 冷傲look丶

57‚ Lonely partn 丶 情靡

58‚ Bess 贝丝

59‚ Youth Shouting°芳华呐喊

60‚ 男友力MAX

61‚ *partner

62‚ Pretty boy

63‚ Flowers 繁花

64‚ Ann 安妮

65‚ Tearl。 (眼泪)


67‚ cute killer

68‚ pained

69‚ 仅此°future

70‚ Elma 艾尔玛


目前愈来愈多的人喜欢给本身的游戏起英文名字‚ 觉得英文游戏名字既时尚又好听,并且良多游戏中也有良多外国人。可是单纯的英文游戏名字又没有特点‚ 在这里我就保举有内涵的英文游戏名字带翻译:


(01)‚ A fool

(02)‚ Clara 克莱拉

(03)‚ B+O+Y

(04)‚ disappear 回避

(05)‚ |▍简爱╮Simple

(06)‚ Indulge(姑息)

(07)‚ SeaGoat摩羯座

(08)‚ 色采控 - FAN ∫

(09)‚ Ryder 莱德

(10)‚ sun smile

(11)‚ Weanhear(软弱的心脏)

(12)‚ sacred teams

(13)‚ 念成疾crize

(14)‚ Sunshine Bloom / 阳光盛开

(15)‚ Grieved

(16)‚ SW.Lee

(17)‚ Dora 多拉

(18)‚ Ace 丶Brather丿

(19)‚ Catnip

(20)‚ COME BACE TO ME 别再飘零

(21)‚ Deep hug

(22)‚ Candice 坎蒂丝

(23)‚ Prostitute▍入戏

(24)‚ Eunice 尤妮丝

(25)‚ Warm依舊』

(26)‚ Somnus°

(27)‚ Rangers

(28)‚ Temptation 矛盾

(29)‚ 女王(Queen)ゆ性

(30)‚ imagine°

(31)‚ Faithe 费滋

(32)‚ Timeless‚ ノ

(33)‚ annihilationξ 秸杆火化的尾调


(34)‚ Mute

(35)‚ Super god

(36)‚ Relieved

(37)‚ Elizabeth 伊莉莎白

(38)‚ Smile丶陌离

(39)‚ ◆◇sorrow °陈迹‚

(40)‚ ㄕ体paЯty

(41)‚ Faith(信心)

(42)‚ A丶Killer丨Club

(43)‚ Home丨Team

(44)‚ I Believe

(45)‚ Dolores 多洛莉丝

(46)‚ 浮浅‰Superficial dialogue

(47)‚ Wait for

(48)‚ Haggard蕉萃

(49)‚ 查理boy

(50)‚ Later on

(51)‚ Dream lover

(52)‚ grave

(53)‚ Claire 克莱儿

(54)‚ TRANSFORMER(变形女)

(55)‚ Elvira 艾薇拉

(56)‚ て烟火ヽ为沵干枯

(57)‚ 遗忘。 Forgotten。

(58)‚ Camille 卡蜜拉

(59)‚ Emily 艾蜜莉

(60)‚ Deep breaths

(61)‚ Elva 艾娃

(62)‚ Lareain

(63)‚ Evelyn 伊芙琳

(64)‚ Healer

(65)‚ trouble

(66)‚ Say goodbye

(67)‚ 〤twinkle゛芳华

(68)‚ 宿妖瞳|CATOBLEPAS -

(69)‚ Bridget 布丽姬特

(70)‚ Alleys




(光阴的恋爱)‚ (光阴的旧侣)‚

(love) time, (the old couple of time),

(安居旧巷)‚ (深埋孤海)‚

(how to reside old lane), (deep solitary sea),

(半人半妖半人妖)‚ (半疯半骚半风流)‚

(half man and half demon half a transvestite), (half-crazed SAO and coquettish),

(街灯亮)‚ (晚风归)‚

(street lights ), (wind),

(爱已明日黄花)‚ (恨已白云苍狗)‚

(love has changed), (hate passage),

(离不开你▲ )‚ (不脱离你▼)‚

(leave you bring), (do not leave your ▼),

(水何澹澹)‚ (山岛竦峙)‚

What DanDan (water), (has not respected) sceneries in the island,

(两颗心的温暖°)‚ (一颗心的距离°)‚

(two hearts warm °), (the distance of a heart °),

(笨伯航,咱耐你)‚ (傻瓜宇,咱耐你)‚

(idiot navigation, I resistance to you), (a fool, I resistance to you),

(情话烫舌)‚ (凉水刺喉)‚

(sweet nothings hot tongue), (water stab throat),

(末丶念)‚ (莫丶念)‚

, at the end of the (read), (mo, read),

(黑色木偶的低调)‚ (白色芭比的高调)‚

(low-key black puppet), barbie's high-profile (white),

(凉生)‚ (凉忆)‚

(cool), cool (yi),

(某年某月某日晴°)‚ (哪年哪月哪日阴°)‚

° dong zhong (shine), (which year which month which day Yin °),

(凉北离歌)‚ (冷南离人)‚

Cool (north), writes a word (cold),

(莫笑红尘痴)‚ (君醉笑红尘)‚

(MoXiao world of mortals chi), (your drunk smile the world of mortals),

(人变了心言而无信)‚ (人断了情无谓悲伤)‚

(changed heart promises), (broken feeling unnecessarily sad),

(嘶火)‚ (余温)‚

(HSS) fire, (remaining),

(你是莪的唯一)‚ (莪是你的悬念)‚

(you're the only one I), (I am your care),

(久爱不腻)‚ (深爱不弃)‚

Love is not greasy) (long, () love you the way you,

(芳华已走)‚ (韶华以散)‚

(youth has gone), (time in dispersion),

(仲夏的夜晚°)‚ (仲夏的早晨°)‚

(midsummer night °), (midsummer morning °),

(择一城终老)‚ (遇一人白首)‚

(choose a city to die), (in case a whitehead),

(久居我心你称王)‚ (独霸我情你是后)‚

(who lived in my heart you king), (take over) after I love you is,

(对对碰)‚ (连连看)‚

(mstching game), (lianliankan),

(恋爱沉睡中)‚ (恋爱睡醒了)‚

(love sleeping), waked up (love),

(温柔坏男人)‚ (蛮横坏女人)‚

Bad man (tender), (bullying bad woman),

(说过的明天)‚ (只留在昨天)‚

Tomorrow (said), (just to stay in yesterday),

(你说是我们相知恨晚)‚ (我说为爱你不敷英勇)‚

(you said we brief encounter), (I speak for not brave enough to love you),

(大\男人◇)‚ (小\女人◆)‚

(large \ men filled), (small pieces \ women),

(爱是你的手~)‚ (把我的伤痛抚摸~)‚

(love is your hand ~), (my pain touch ~),

(他在她城以北°)‚ (她在他城以南°)‚

(he is in her ° north of the city), (°) south of her in his city,


(哭着哭着就笑了)‚ (笑着笑着就哭了)‚

(cried and cried and laughed at), (laughed and laughed and wept),

(贝壳里的珍珠)‚ (牡蛎里的珍珠)‚

(a seashell pearl), (the pearl in the oyster),

(捂住耳朵)‚ (听见笑声)‚

(ears), (sound),

(罪与罚)‚ (吞噬忆)‚

(crime and punishment), swallow (yi,

(嘴角丶扯起的那抹哀伤°)‚ (发丝丶卷起的那抹悲戚°)‚

(the corners of the mouth, pull up the wipe sad °), (hair, roll up the wipe sad °),

(充电五分钟)‚ (装逼俩小时)‚

Five minutes (charge), force (two hours),

(宠宠宠宠你)‚ (爱爱爱爱你)‚

(spoil spoil spoil spoil you), (make love make love you),

(是你说的回不去)‚ (是我说的伤分手)‚

(what you said is not to), wound (I said break up),

(深海少年与鲸)‚ (深港少女与猫)‚

(young and deep whale), (deep Hong Kong young girl with a cat),

(雅各式爱情 )‚ (哥特式驰念 )‚

Jacob (relationship), (miss) gothic,

(戀舊夢)‚ (守空城)‚

(nostalgic dream), (keep an empty city),

(花开人落泪)‚ (花落人蕉萃)‚

(flowers shed tears), (gaunt) whispering,

(伐竹猫)‚ (取叶鹿)‚

(cutting bamboo cats), leaf deer (),

(没了鹿由器)‚ (断了吴线网)‚

(no deer by), (wu broken wire mesh),

(被情所伤的小男人)‚ (为情所困的小女人)‚

(little man was hurt by love), (lovesick little woman),

(映别呐人噯)‚ (挥映呐情面)‚

(don't shout reflected eh), (wave hit, yet human),

(为何眼睛那末小 装下你足够了)‚

(why you enough) under the eyes is so small,

(曲调)‚ (格调)‚

(melody), (style),

(有失必有得)‚ (有得必有失)‚

(be) and () you will lose,

(你是氧气)‚ (供我呼吸)‚

Oxygen (you are), (for I am breathing),

(混混小流氓)‚ (倾城小腐女)‚

Decay (local ruffians and hooligans), small (the whole female),

(哀其不幸)‚ (怒其不争)‚

(unfortunately mourning the), (nu) does not dispute,

(日不落)‚ (月不升)‚

(don't fall), litres (month),

(爱伱对不合错误)‚ (想沵有无)‚

You (right), (you have),

(姐得了厌学症)‚ (爷得白学病)‚

(elder sister got YanXueZheng), (ye suffer from white disease),

(安心挽歌)‚ (余生踏歌)‚

(ease elegy), (the rest of my life extension),

(唯他命)‚ (唯她命)‚

(he lives only), (only her life),

(孤性)‚ (浪瘾)‚

(alone), wave (addiction),


(繌嘙)‚ (繌厷)‚

(繌 嘙), (繌 厷),

(熏风喃)‚ (寒风寒)‚

(south wind whispers), cold (north),

(媳妇我出去浪会儿)‚ (浪你麻木滚回家)‚

(daughter-in-law I go out to sea for a while), wave (go home) you paralysis,

(你我之间太遥远)‚ (你我之间似流年)‚

(too far between you and me), (like time) between you and me,

(Kss‚ 不离)‚ (Mss‚ 不弃)‚

(Kss, and carrots), (Mss, don't abandon),

(我的心脏)‚ (你的样子)‚

(my heart), (your shape),

(夜‚ 安靜)‚ (夜‚ 微涼)‚

(night, quiet), (night, cool),

(似微笑)‚ (像拥抱)‚

(like smile), (like hug),

(后果若何写才算完善)‚ (进程若何说才算仔细)‚

(how to write in order to be perfect), (how to say the process is detailed),

(再顾摧万甲)‚ (青丝尽鹤发)‚

(gu to destroy more armor), (moss all white hair),



像王者光荣游戏就是良多女生玩家比力喜欢玩的网游,并且这类女生爱玩网游的趋向在将来会愈来愈常见。 那末在这里来找本身喜欢的女生带英文游戏名字的可以来下面看看有无本身喜欢的。


1‚ 暗昧灬forever

2‚ Cecil丿琪琪

3‚ 凡尔赛的玫瑰▍Rose

4‚ Naive (无邪)

5‚ 寻觅爱Looking

6‚ Smiling at me﹌嫣然

7‚ 瑾年丶曦

8‚ ERosIon 陈旧迂腐

9‚ 旖旎 ecstAsy

10‚ Zany

11‚ Ambition(野心)

12‚ End╮闭幕

13‚ seduce 红酒 性感

14‚ Heaven【天堂】

15‚ Lost love

16‚ 沦亡-Anler 温柔-urban

17‚ Frances 法兰西斯

18‚ Amy 艾咪

19‚ Redundant

20‚ Cornelia 可妮莉雅

21‚ Celeste 莎莉丝特

22‚ Gme_Never

23‚ 笨笨Forever

24‚ 人生似梦Eron

25‚ Guide

26‚ Angela 安琪拉

27‚ eccentric°[怪人]

28‚ Cecilia 塞西莉亚

29‚ Feast aw 离愁

30‚ 恋战 WhiteInte

31‚ Liberation 摆脱

32‚ Sunshine girl

33‚ Hatsukoi

34‚ Barbara 芭芭拉

35‚ loners

36‚ huái瑾yú轻┌


37‚ HLinag〃 Eliane〃

38‚ Demon゛空

39‚ Deepsea(深海)

40‚ 如斯丶Clever

41‚ Yoke(羁绊)

42‚ Bad girl

43‚ AIlianˊ单人行

44‚ only you

45‚ Elegant

46‚ 乱祈°Amor▲

47‚ ℉ashion丶

48‚ (son) 怀旧-feat mellow

49‚ kiss LST

50‚ Morbid(病态)

51‚ Fabregas

52‚ Dirge

53‚ ◆゛Fhlk

54‚ 暗眸 ROsE

55‚ Brother丶One

56‚ 河生映画Tired

57‚ Andrea 安德莉亚

58‚ Overdoes【过分】

59‚ Disheartened

60‚ Panacea

61‚ ■□丶Odgf

62‚ Awesome

63‚ Judicious

64‚ Red ReaL

65‚ 猜不透人心

66‚ One‚ Life 独厮守 ぢ

67‚ GamingNow

68‚ Archive(封存)


70‚ ROYAL army

  1. 男生美好大气有寓意的英文名大

    名字往往包含了父母对于孩子的殷切期待¸ 有的希望孩子事业有成、有的希望孩子平安健康¸ 因此¸ 家长在为孩子起名时也会根据期

    栏目名称:取名字 0 2023-12-30

  2. 男生美好大气有寓意的英文名大

    名字往往包含了父母对于孩子的殷切期待¸ 有的希望孩子事业有成、有的希望孩子平安健康¸ 因此¸ 家长在为孩子起名时也会根据期

    栏目名称:取名字 0 2023-12-30