
daniel 2024-07-08


1、Chinese Americans make up only a tiny fraction of our population;there are fewer than half a million,living chiefly in California, New York, and Hawaii、As American attitudes toward minorities and toward ethnic differences have changed in recent years,the long-reviled Chinese have gained wide acceptance、Today, they are generally admired for their many remarkable characteristics,and are often held up as an example worth following、And their numerous contributions to their adopted land are much appreciated、

2、There they fared far better,mainly because they did not encounter hostility、Some married native Hawaiians,and others brought their wives and children over、They were not restricted to Chinatowns,and many of them soon became successful merchants and active participants in general munity affairs、Chinese Americans retain many aspects of their ancient culture,even after having lived here for several generations、For example, their family ties continue to be remarkably h2、Members of the family lend each other moral support and also practical help when necessary、

3、The kitchen by itself is a source of many pleasing sounds、Every place, every event has a sound dimension、The sense of hearing can perhaps be restored to modern man if he better understands its worth and how it works、Most people would be surprised to discover how far the sense can be pushed by cultivation、At a friend’s house recently,my wife opened her purse and some coins spilled out,one after another, onto the floor、“Three quarters, two dimes,a nickel and three pennies,”said our host as he came in from the next room、

4、We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values、We talk too much, love too little and lie too often、We have learned how to make a living, but not a life;we’ve added years to life, not life to years、We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers;wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints、We spend more, but have less;we buy more, but enjoy it less、

7、From a very young age children are imbued with the old values and attitudes,including respect for their elders and a feeling of responsibility to the family、This helps to explain why there is so little juvenile delinquency among them、The high regard for education which is deeply rooted in Chinese culture,and the willingness to work very hard to gain advancement,are other noteworthy characteristics of theirs、This explains why so many descendants of uneducated laborers have succeeded in being doctors, lawyers,and other professionals、

【#大学英语四六级考试# #2021年上半年大学英语四级晨读美文#】备考是一种经历,也是一种体验。每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。©无忧考网为您提供了“2021年上半年大学英语四级晨读美文”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©无忧考网!

9、Just cutting down reflected sound can produce some odd results、The nearest thing on earth to the silence of outer space,for example, is the “anechoic chamber”at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Burray Hills, N、J、,which is lined with material that absorbs 99、98% of all reflected sound、Men who have remained in the room for more than an hour report that they feel nervous and out of touch with reality、

10、Hearing can soothe and fort、The snapping of logs in the fireplace,the gossipy whisper of a broom,the inquisitive wheeze of a drawer opening —all are savored sounds that make us feel at home、In a well-loved home,every chair produced a different,recognizable creak,every window a different click, groan or squeak、

11、We’ve been all the way to the moon and back,but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor、We have conquered outer space, but not inner space、We’ve split the atom, but not our prejudice;we write more, but learn less;plan more, but acplish less、We have learned to rush, but not to wait;we have higher ines, but lower morals、We build more puters to hold more information,to produce more copies, but have less munication、We are long on quantity, but short on quality、



15、And as an afterthought:“One of the quarters is silver、”He was right, down to the last penny、“How did you do it?” we asked、“Try it yourself、” he said、We did, and with a little practice we found it easy、Curiously, evidence indicates that people need sound、When we are lost in thought,we involuntarily drum with our fingers or tap with a pencil —a reminder that we are still surrounded by a world outside ourselves、


17、Most of today’s Chinese Americans are descendants of some of the early miners and railroad workers、Those immigrants had e from the vicinity of Canton in Southeast China,where they had been uneducated farm laborers、The same kind of young men,from the same area and from similar humble origins,migrated to Hawaii in those days、

18、We have bigger houses and smaller families;more conveniences, but less time;we have more degrees, but less mon senses;more knowledge, but less judgment;more experts, but more problems;more medicine, but less wellness、We spend too recklessly,laugh too little, drive too fast,get to angry too quickly, stay up too late,get up too tired, read too little,watch TV too often, and pray too seldom、

19、These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion;tall men and short character;steep profits and shallow relationships、More leisure and less fun;more kinds of food, but less nutrition;two ines, but more divorce;fancier houses, but broken homes、This is a strange and confusing age、There are so many paradoxes in our time that we hardly know who we are,where we are, and where to go、
