
daniel 2024-06-06


1、Captain: Squint, batten  down  the  hatches, Raz, Hoist  the  ancher、 And  gupta, fly  the  colors、

2、Sid: You  are  a  big  guy、 You  got  a  lotta  wood、 I’m  a  little  guy、


4、Manny: Fascinating、

5、Jean Valjean: At the end of my days、

6、Ugga:No more caves, Grug、

7、Eep:That wasn't living, that was just、、、 not dying、 There's a difference、

8、Grug:I know、 But while everyone was asleep, she went out anyway、 


10、Fantine: And you will be with God、

11、Ugga:Guy, run!

12、Manny: We  need  to  move, now、


14、Shira: The  mammoth、 He  washed  ashore  with  me、

15、Grug:It's my job to worry、 It's my job to follow the rules、

16、Fantine: Monsieur, I bless your name、

17、Eep:We'd be dead now if we'd listened to you! We have to follow Guy now、

18、Manny: Okay、 We  need  precision  timing  from  everyone  to  get  that  ship、 Half-pint, you  got  your  end  covered, right? I’m  going  to  take  that  as  a “yes” Diego?

19、Gran:We're gonna jump on the sun and ride it to Tomorrow with Guy、

20、Sid: We’ll  see  brains  triumph  over  brain  tonight、

21、Eep:What are leftovers?

22、Grug:That's a good idea、 How about a story, huh?


1、Diego: It  wouldn’t  be  breakfast  without  him、 Especially  since  his  daddy  wiped  out  half  our  pack  and  wears  our  skin  to  keep  warm、 An  eye  for  an  eye, don’t  you  think?

2、Fantine: Monsieur, lay down your burden、

3、Jean Valjean: I am ready, Fantine、

4、Thunk:Yeah, a story! Tell us a story!

5、Cosette: Papa, papa, I do not understand! Are you alright? Why did you go away!

6、Thunk:So easy to remember、

7、Jean Valjean: Oh、 Fantine、

9、Jean Valjean: Cosette, my child! Am I forgiven now? Thank God, thank God! I lived to see this day!

10、Eep:The rules don't work out here!

11、Diego: I’ll  free  his  little  friends、

12、Captain: What? He’s  here?

13、Grug:Ugga, everyone, you have to listen to me!

14、Sid: But  with  my  little  stick  and  my  highly  evolved  brain, I  shall  create  fire、

15、Thunk:Sorry, Dad、

16、Guy:You know, when you have so much food to eat you have some left over、

17、Manny: Think, I  saw  a  spark、

18、Sid: Yes  sir, Totally  focused, sir、

19、Zick:Isn’t  it  nice  he’ll  be  joining  us  for  breakfast?

20、Grug:Once upon a time there was a little tiger who lived in a cave with her family、 There were a lot of rules, but the big, simple one was to never leave the cave at night、 And the door was so heavy, Do you think it would be easy to remember、

21、Jean Valjean: Alone at the end of the day, upon this wedding night I pray、 Take these children, my Lord, to thy embrace and show them grace、 God on high, hear my prayer、 Take me now, to the care、 Where you are, let me be、 Take me now! Take me there! Bring me home! Bring me home!

22、Fantine: You raised my child in love、


1、Grug:kept us alive!

2、Sid: Phew, I’m  wiped  out、

3、Jean Valjean: She's the best of my life、

4、Ugga:Grug, how about a story?


6、Gupta: Of  course, captain、

7、Grug:Cave! Everyone inside! Come on! Hurry up! Let's go! Let's go! Go! Go!

8、Guy:Looks like we won't have any leftovers、

9、Eep:Well, we never have that much food、

10、Manny: Right, Unwind  the  vines, and  don’t  let  go  until  we’re  all  on  board、 We’re  relying  on  you, sid、 You  got  that?

11、Zock: Alert  the  troops, we  attack  at  dawn、 And  diego, bring  me  that  baby  alive、 If  I’m  gonna  enjoy  my  revenge、 I  want  it  to  be  fresh、

12、Sid: Untie  the  ship  sir、

13、Diego: Let’s  show  him  what  happens  when  messes  with  sabers、

14、Eep:You have to stop worrying for all of us、

15、Manny: That’s  your  shelter?

16、Granny: Don’t  worry, It  will  be  easy  since  we  don’t  have  to  guard  shira  anymore、

17、Grug:Wait, wait, so you're all going to do this? Thunk?

18、Captain: We’re  setting  sail  for  vengeance, lads、 Shira,oh, what  a  relief! I  thought  we’d  lost  you、

19、Manny: You  got  half  a  stick、

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