
daniel 2024-06-06


1、The lender has a remedy either in court or through repossession of the car、

2、They were granted the lease on condition the they paid the legal costs、

3、The interest on a loan may not be deducted from the principal in advance、

4、Mary was fined $10 for speeding、

5、We have to consider specific performance and other equitable remedies、

6、If the statute of limitations has run,the plaintiff is without redress、

7、Courts often look to legislative intent for guidance in interpreting and applying a law、

8、The classic remedy for copyright infringement is equitable relief、

10、The term of the loan is fifteen years、

11、He is wanted by the police、


13、The legislative history and the language of the law may provide indications of the legislative intent、

14、The legislative cannot transfer the power of making laws to any other hands、

15、it is the business of the judiciary to interpret the laws, not scan the authority of the lawgiver、

16、The police are close to solving the crime、

17、Legitimate loan relationships are protected by law、

18、The judge deemed it sufficient to pensate the plaintitt, making a dquitable remedy unneccessary、

19、When he offered to give information to the police,he was granted immunity from prosecution、

20、Penal redress requires full pensation of the injured person as an instrument for punishing the offender、

21、The confession was extracted under torture by the police、

22、The driver had an excessive amount of alcohol in his blood、

23、Such legislation is unconstitutional、

24、The chief Constable applied for an order of mandamus directing the justices to rehear the case、

25、The most mon of legal remedy is damages、

26、The tribunal's terms of reference do not cover traffice offences、

27、She wanted to use a loan to buy a new home、

28、The legislative power is the supreme power in every monwealth、


1、The police were accused of tampering with the evidence、

2、We have a short lease on our current premises、

3、The leases are coterminous、

4、The traffic court has jurisdiction over violation of statutes governing the use of roads and motor vehicles、

5、To carry out an objective review of current legislation is important、

6、The guidelines lay down rules for dealing with traffic offences、

7、Traffic police is a section of the police concerned with problems on the roads、

8、Everyone should observe the traffic regulations、

9、In pleading,a party may request alternative relief、

10、The thief surrendered himself to the police、

11、For the loan,he could have a lien placed on your home、

12、The post mortem was carried out or was conducted by the police pathologist、

13、The act expressly provides for injunctive relief、

14、The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation、

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