
daniel 2024-06-02


1、It's going to sound ridiculous, of course, and nobody would ever intentionally sound like this,

2、We'll approach this sound first, by touching on the difficulties it presents to foreign speakers of English,and next by paring L to the related sounds of T, D, and N、

3、Nelly teaches French、

4、Force your tongue to make all the various vowels in spite of its position、

5、Elsa wants a book、

6、With your tongue in this position say el several times、

7、You can also think of this in terms of musical notes、

8、If you want, hold a clean dime there with the tongue's tip;the dime will let you know when you have dropped your tongue because it will fall out、

9、The girls have a choice、

10、but no one will hear you practice、

11、Jean sells some apples、

12、You should be able to feel the edges of your tongue touching your teeth when you say nnn、

13、Keys open locks、

14、You and I are going to read with our tongues firmly held at the roofs of our mouths、

15、Susie bs her hair、

16、This sounds plicated, but it is easier to do than to describe、

17、Here you are going to pare the four words

18、Bobby needs some money、

19、John lives in France、

20、Remember that with this technique you can actually see your tongue disappear as you hear your L sounds drop off、

21、The sound of N is nasal、


1、Then, try saying it with your tongue behind your teeth、

2、Dogs eat bones、

3、L Compared with T, D, and N When you learn to pronounce the L correctly, you will feel its similarity with T, D, and N、

4、With L, the tongue is very tense, and the air es out around its sides、

5、As you heard on p、 3, Americans tend to stretch out certain one-syllable words but which ones?

6、The tongue pletely blocks all air from leaving through the mouth,

7、Repeat、 bit, bid, beat, bead、

8、Ann and Ed call the kids、

9、The answer is simple when a single syllable word ends in an unvoiced consonant, the vowel is on a single stairstep short and sharp、

10、Ben writes articles、

11、Look at yourself in the mirror as you stick out the tip of your tongue between your front teeth、

12、Leave a little for Lola!

13、When the word ends in a voiced consonant, or a vowel, the vowel is on a double stairstep、 (For an explanation of voiced and unvoiced consonants, see page 62、

14、Our first exercise, however, must focus on differentiating the sounds、

15、Bill and I fix the bikes、

16、Carol paints the car、

17、At the beginning it's helpful to exaggerate the position of the tongue、

18、allowing it to e out only through the nose、

19、If you prefer, you can read with your tongue between your teeth instead of the standard behind-the-teeth position, and use a small mirror、

20、The difference is in how and where the air es out、

21、This chapter discusses the sound of L (not to be confused with that of the American R,which is covered in the next chapter)、


2、We've discussed intonation in terms of new information, contrast, opinion, and negatives、

3、Mike likes bikes、

4、Once you can distinguish these four,all of the rest are easy、

5、You can practice this again later with Exercise 5-3、

6、T and D The sound of both T and D is produced by allowing a puff of air to e out over the tip of the tongue、

7、bit, bid, beat, and bead、

8、Actually, the tongue is positioned in the same place in the mouth for all four sounds—behind the teeth、

9、The kids like the candy、

10、Jerry makes music、

11、Adam plays pool、

12、The boys need some help、

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