
daniel 2024-06-02


1、I like those leaders who are friendly and easy-going among his employees、我喜欢那些对员工友善、随和的领导。

2、We should resist pirated books to protect the interests of the authors、我们应当抵制盗版书籍来保护作者的利益。

3、I read romantic novels in my spare time for pleasure、闲暇时我以读浪漫小说为乐。

4、China has entered the aging society period、中国已经进入了老龄化社会的阶段。

5、A good book should not only have an interesting plot, but also a significant theme、一本好书不仅要有有趣的情节,更要有有意义的主题。

6、I often poke along in secondhand bookstores in search of interesting used books、我经常流连(闲逛)一些二手书店寻找有趣的旧书。

7、I prefer romantic stories to realistic novels、我喜欢浪漫故事胜过现实小说。

8、He treats us as if we were his own children、他几乎把我们当作他自己的孩子。

9、You can find all kinds of books on the Internet for free、你可以在互联网上免费找到各种书籍。

10、Teaching is an honorable profession、教师是崇高的职业。

11、Old people pass down tradition to the younger generation、老年人把传统传承给下一辈。

12、Many old people today are even more open-minded than the young、现在许多老年人甚至比年轻人更加思想开明。

13、If I were a leader, I would be on equal terms with my employees、如果我是领导,我会公平对待我的员工。

14、Respecting old people is a long-standing tradition of china、敬老是中国的传统美德。

15、Rules and regulations are the best way to standardize a pany、制定规章制度是规范公司的方法。

16、A teacher should teach not only knowledge but also morals、老师不仅要传授知识,还要教会德行。

17、He is an expert on finance and good at interpreting the government policies、他是金融方面的专家,擅长理解政府的政策。

18、I'm always ready to help people in need、我随时准备帮助那些需要帮助的人。

19、Sensible of my shorting, I always try to overe it、我深知自己的缺点,总是尽力克服它。

20、I enjoy reading books in my leisure time、闲暇时我喜欢读书。

21、A good teacher shall encourage rather than simply preach、好的老师不仅仅是说教,而是应该鼓励。


1、As the CEO of this pany, he is under much pressure、作为公司的首席执行官,他面临很大压力。

2、The rich life experiences and wisdom of elderly people are a treasure、上了年纪的人丰富的生活阅历和智慧是一种财富。

3、In order to borrow books from the school library, I applied for a reading card、我申请了一张读书卡,以便从学校图书馆借书。

4、Novels on great heroes are popular in China、关于英雄题材的小说在中国很流行。

5、Aging is an unavoidable natural process、变老是一种无法避免的自然过程。

6、As the science develops teachers should improve their teaching methods to satisfy the requirement of the modern society、随着科学的发展,老师们应当提高他们的教学方法以适应现代社会的要求。

7、He is very much devoted to the cause of education、他非常忠诚于他的教育事业。

8、I'm diligent, modest and kind-hearted、我是一个勤奋、谦逊、热心的人。

9、He is responsible to make important decisions and budgets for the pany、他负责为公司作出重要决定和进行财政预算。

10、In my family old people are honored、在我的家庭里,老年人是受到尊敬的。

11、My hobby of climbing mountains keeps me fit and close to nature、我的业余爱好是(通过)爬山以保持健康并亲近自然。

12、My interests are manifold, including jogging, reading and playing puter games、我的兴趣很广泛,包括慢跑、阅读和玩电脑游戏。

13、I'm fond of sports and especially like playing badminton、我喜欢体育运动,特别是打羽毛球。

15、My parents are my first teachers、父母是我们的启蒙老师。

16、Different generations shall be more understanding to each other、几代人之间的相处要求更多的包容和理解。

17、People have different tastes for books、人们对于书籍有不同的品味。

18、A sales manager is supposed to sell service and products to potential customers、销售经理应该为潜在顾客提供服务和商品。

19、Being easy-going, I'm able to get along well with most of the people I know、由于个性随和,我能够和我认识的大多数人友好相处。

20、Teacher should motivate students to be creative、老师应该激发学生的创造力。

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