
daniel 2024-05-29


1、 Sometimes someone has to make us cry, just to make us realize that we deserve someone who makes us smile、

2、 Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence、

3、 Be happy no matter what、

4、 Love every moment of my life, no matter it's good or not、

5、 There will be a day that I'm gonna tell you proudly,"Out ! I don't need you anymore"、


7、 Your name is something weighing on my mind、、你的名字,我的心事

8、 A day without laughter is a day wasted、

9、 I fear the corner of the road which hides a shadow of the one I miss so much and there's another girl standing by him、

10、 A good book is the bestfriend,the same as today and forever、

11、 Life is a mirror、When you smile in front of it ,it will also smile and so will it when you cry to it、

12、 The sky is still as blue as clear sunlight even though it was winter is so warm、

13、 Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen、Keep in the sunlight、

14、 Beauty is how you feel inside、 ~Sophia Loren

15、 If someone seriously wants to be a part of your life, they will seriously make an effort of it、

16、 You say I have changed, I admit it、 I'm just not sticking to you like I did before、It's only because I can't waste my love on the one who has never loved me、

17、 Everyone would get tired、Nobody can take the sorrow for you、We some time need to grow up by ourselves、

18、 Even if someone breaks your heart, there is always someone willing to mend it、

1、 Life is short、 Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile、

20、 I'd rather live my life knowing that I'm not perfect, than spending my whole life pretending to be、

21、 In the journey of life,the worst plight is not poverty,misfortune,but the mental state of being unconsciously tired、

22、 Life is too ironic, it takes sadness to know what happiness is, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence、

23、 Both happiness and pain are wealth in life、It'd be better to face it with courage rather than escape negatively、

24、 The watch drawn on wrist didn't move at all in the childhood but it took the best time away、

25、 There's always a certain line in a song that will always stuck in your mind because it reminds you of a place, a moment or a person、

26、 Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times、
