
daniel 2024-03-23


爱情语录英文经典短句 推荐度: 优美经典的爱情英文语录 推荐度: 英文爱情语录 推荐度: 相关推荐

1、Smart women value sex over friends, stupid women value friends over sex、

2、When we take root, let's see how it grows、

3、I love you till the end of the evening、

4、After seeing the clouds falling and the wind rising, I can't help myself、

5、In winter, you need a pair of warm hands and a warm arm、

6、I'm fine、I think it's time to go to bed、It's not good to stay up late and miss you、

7、No matter how beautiful things are in this world, you are not as modest as a gentleman、

8、It's good to dream of you, because I'll never see you again、

9、I don't want a short time of tenderness, as long as you acpany me all my life!

10、At this time, I really miss you, it's good to miss you!

11、In this life, I have recognized you、No matter what you bee, I will marry you、

12、He who has drunk knows how much wine is strong, and he who has loved knows how much、

13、I have a secret to tell you、I seem to like you、

14、This life I only hold your hand, because this life has you already enough、

15、Listen to me, I love you、Remember!


1、The most painful distance is that you are not around, but in my heart、

2、In this world, there are many things in the opposite direction, and few things in the same way、

3、Then give me a hug、Don't mess up my hair、

4、Life makes promises, death keeps pany, grasp the edge and let go、

5、We are not suitable, but I have not said it、

6、If life is just like the first time, you and I will hold hands and warm our hearts、

7、Do you have the feeling that you can't help yourself all your life、

8、There are mountains, rivers and mists in your eyes, which are better than all the beautiful scenery on a beautiful day、

9、No matter what the future, you are the one I love most、

10、The most painful pain is the wound we can never speak of、

11、Calm down and think of you、I think everything is wonderful and incredible、

12、Miss you like sunshine, just want to give you warmth, give you happiness!

13、May you be the love that time can't steal、


15、I want to turn into the wind and surround you gently、


1、Like you, is really the longest thing I have insisted on、

2、Good night to you and good morning to you、

3、No matter friendship or love、I want a lifetime, not a moment、

4、The world is too plicated、It is safe only in your arms、

5、One day, your name will appear in my household register、

6、I like other people、Without him, I would like you、

7、Meeting you cost me all my luck、

8、There are threethousand crows in the world, sleeping with you until dawn、

9、All the bitterness and happiness e, so you e、

10、Break up should be decent, no one should say sorry、

11、The mouth is sweet because the heart is sweet, and the heart is sweet because you are inside、

12、I know a lot of truth, but I don't want to be reasonable、

13、Single and circular love, I just want to give it to you、

14、I don't have much ambition、I just want the people I like to be my world、

15、My heart is a house, and you are the only key to it、


1、The vow of eternal love once was a fart now、

2、Create a lifelong romance with sentimental attachment、

3、You should be held tight、I'll take the wind、

4、I still like you very much、Like the wind, I have traveled thousands of miles without asking about my return date、

5、Love is to cut off all the back roads and replace you for the rest of your life、

6、It's not easy to get this person in your life、You love each other until you are old and not tired、

7、Looking back on love, there are sweetness, happiness, sadness and pain、

8、You are so sensible that even your collapse is silent、

9、There is no unchanging mitment, only endless lies、

10、After you came here, the bitterness was not too bitter, but the sweetness was especially sweet、

11、You sit in the most expensive and tearful position in my heart、

12、It's someone else's business for others to hook up with you、I can't keep you、

13、Please smile、It's easier than explaining why you're sad、

14、If you can stay together day and night, you don't need to live forever、

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