
daniel 2024-01-11


1、a clean (and dry) setbdu'sa mag for mud and rain.

2、one enemy soldiernever enough, but twoentirely too many.

3、the side with the simplest uniforms wins.


5、military intelligencentradiction.

6、radar tendsfailnight andbad weather, and especially during both).

7、b-52s are the ultimate close suppor是终极近距支援武器。

8、napalman area support weapon.

9、everything always worksyour hq, everything always failsthlonel's hq.

10、'flies high,dies; low and slow, it'll go'.

11、fortify your front; you'll get your rear shot up.

12、exceptions prove the rule, and destroy the battle plan.

13、55、the one item you needalwaysshort supply.

14、interchangeable parts aren't.

15、the most dangerous thingthe worldalieutenant with a map and a pass.

16、never draw fire;irritates everyone around you.

17、you are shorteverything but the enemy, you arethe bat zone.

18、the easy wayalways mined.

19、sniper's motto: reach out and touch someone.

20、bat will occurthe ground between two adjoining maps.

21、inspection ready unit has ever passed bat.

22、killing for peacelike screwing for virginity.

23、it's not the one with your nameit; it's the one addressed “to whommancern“ you've gotthink about.

24、thereno such thingan atheista foxhole.?

25、ining fire has the rightway.

26、never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie down, never stay awake when you can sleep.
