
daniel 2024-03-12

1、Nice to meet you、 May your life be full of happiness、 Meeting you is a kind of beauty、 May beauty shine in your life、 Meeting you is a kind of happiness、 May happiness be with you forever、

2、excuse me、请原谅、

3、you have my sincere apology、我诚心诚意向你道歉、

4、We are all eager to see the dawn before dawn, but we are also afraid of being hurt by the sun、 Speaking of which, I hope I can roll up the dawn and not have two wounds basking in the hot sun、

5、please forgive me、请原谅、

6、You dont forgive me! I will make a mistake, please forgive me, I wont make another mistake! Do you want me to correct my mistake?

7、I cant make you sad、 Love you!

8、I am happy and worried about you, I am really infatuated with you, I am worried that you are sad, and I have always been sad、 I dare not change my heart、 Dont doubt too much、 I am most afraid that you are careless! I am a farmer, so dont argue with me!

9、i apologize、我道歉、

10、Its my fault that I lost my temper、 I will try my best to control it in the future、

11、i can’t tell you how sorry i am、我真的是很抱歉、

12、Forgive me! I knew that I had made a mistake、 If you cant forgive me, just call me again and again、 I am willing to be scolded by you until I am old!

13、words cannot describe how sorry i am、语言无法描述我对你的歉意、

14、I just want to say: I didnt mean to annoy you, just because I love you, I dont want to say more, just please forgive me for loving you!

15、I want to blow a gust of wind with you to blow away my unhappiness with you, leaving only my happiness with you、

16、i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to bother you、对不起,真不想打扰你、


18、Im sorry、 I didnt feel sorry for you yesterday、 Are you okay? What are you doing at home? Youre not mad at me!

19、i hope you will excuse me、希望你能原谅我、

20、Im sorry if my willfulness makes you angry、 If you still cant forgive, then do what you want、 Haha, just kidding, it doesnt matter!

21、Perhaps fate, we wouldnt hurt the most reluctant to hurt people, but, believe me, because I love you, let us cherish!也许是缘分,我们都不愿伤害最不愿伤害的人,但还是发生了,相信我,因为我爱你,让我们彼此好好珍惜!

22、Cant you tolerate the mistakes made by a man who loves you? If you can forgive me, I will make up for it with my actions!

23、You are the other half of my life, and I look forward to the continuation of our life ing soon! I will take good care of our children, my wife and this family with my sense of responsibility!

24、I apologize for not calling earlier、很抱歉没有早一点给你打电话。

25、Sorry about the mess、这里很乱,很抱歉。

26、i should have asked you first、我应该先征得你的同意、

27、You know that I have always loved you and dont want to owe you too much、 If I really leave one day, you must forgive me、

28、it’s my fault、 i really feel bad about it、

29、it’s all my fault、 i’ll try to make it up to you、

30、Without forgiveness, life will be dominated by endless hatred and revenge、 I really didnt mean to hurt you、 I really want to get back together with you、 Please forgive me、

31、Maybe there are some misunderstandings between us, then you dont have to ignore me! Even if I am wrong, I want to apologize to you、

32、If you are angry, just scold me, dont cry, then my heart will break into pieces、 Please forgive me!

33、Im really sorry to be late again、对不起我又迟到了。

34、please dont be indifferent to me, please dont turn a blind eye to me, your ruthlessness betrayed your true feelings; Please dont let regret bee my lifelong regret、 I love you without lying、 Please accept my apology、 Im sorry!

35、i don’t know haw that could have happened、

36、you cannot believe how sorry i am、你不知道我感到多么抱歉、

37、please accept my sincere apology、请接受我诚心诚意的道歉、

38、Im sorry, I said something I shouldnt have said, which made you sad、 I regret it、 I will not say or do anything that will make you sad in the future、

39、sorry to be a bother、不好意思打扰你、

40、I walked gently, just as I came gently, waving my sleeves and not taking away a cloud、 Please forgive me for leaving and take care! Always happy!

41、you were right and i was wrong、 i apologize、

42、i didn’t mean to do that、我并不想要那么做、

43、i’m terribly sorry about that、为此我非常抱歉、

44、I wont be angry with you anymore、 You are angry with me、 I am a broad-minded and lofty person, and I will certainly forgive you、

45、Id like to apologize for not returning your call、我为没有给你回电话道歉。

46、Always drunk to call you, let you sad, I was not good、 Forgive me?总是在喝醉后给你打电话,让你伤心难过,是我不好。原谅我好吗?

47、Dont fire me for this、 Let me stay at home for at least one school year、

48、There are many differences with a persons living habits、 Love doesnt matter、 Be careful when you get married、 Think about whether you can stand each others differences for a long time、

49、Im awfully sorry、I didnt realize、真的对不起,我没注意到。

50、Im so sorry for being late、It wont happen again、我迟到了,真抱歉。这种事不会再发生了。

51、Please forgive my carelessness、请原谅我的粗心。

52、sorry to be a pest、不好意思打扰你、

53、Not let me hurt you、 I was sorry! I regret! I hope you can give me a chance! Love you forever!无心让我伤害了你。我的心里也不好受!我悔恨万分!希望你能给我一个改过的机会!永远爱你!

54、Dear, I misjudged you, please forgive me、 If you really want to be angry, you might as well give me a bunch of children、 I am willing to accept such punishment、

55、What should I do to you? Without you, I am like a fish out of water、 An apology can wake you up、 Love is a happy thing、 Can you swim together again?

56、People like watching the long night without you、 In my heart, you are my greatest fort! If you can e back to me, I swear I will love you forever!

57、Please excuse me、Im really sorry、请原谅,真的抱歉。

58、It was wrong of me、我错了。

59、i shouldn’t have done that、我不该那么做、

60、The phrase is, regarded as enemies, so changing mood, my heart how can it? - casual, not much, more do not think ill of! I really love you、一语不合,视若仇敌,情绪如此多变,我心怎堪煎熬?语不经意,勿要多想,更忌往坏里想!我是真的爱你。

61、i’m sorry to have caused you so much inconvenience、

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